WA Migration Conference 2024 Program


Time Topic

8:30 am

Registrations Open

MC: Sarah Pettit, Chief Migration Agent, Mapien

9:00 am

Acknowledgment of Country and Opening Remarks

Reuben Saul, National President, MIA  

9:05 am

Implementing the Migration Strategy: A Recap and Look Ahead with the Department

Chair: Helen Duncan LMMIA, CEO MIA
Panellists: Shayne Roscoe, Migration Reform Taskforce, Immigration Policy and Planning Branch, Department of Home Affairs
- Steve Lanyi, Assistant Director – Business, Industry and Regional Outreach (WA), Immigration Outreach and Engagement, Department of Home Affairs
- Daniel Fondacaro, WA Temporary Visa Branch Director, Department of Home Affairs

Our first panel discussion takes an in-depth look at the Government's Migration Strategy, focusing on what has been implemented to date and what lies ahead. Featuring panellists from the Department of Home Affairs, this session will provide the latest updates on the strategy. This session is essential for RMAs and legal practitioners seeking to stay informed and effectively navigate the evolving migration landscape.

9:45 am

OMARA's Role in Upholding RMA Ethical and Professional Standards

Panellists: Emily Winch, Senior Director, Office of the Migration Agents Authority (OMARA)
- Helen Duncan LMMIA, Chief Executive Officer, MIA 

Join us for an informative Q&A session with Emily Winch, Senior Director of OMARA as we discuss the role of OMARA in ensuring that RMAs continue to uphold high ethical and professional standards.   We will delve into the complaints process and  explore where RMAs are having difficulties with this process, including discussing what types of issues and trends are arising from their investigations. This is a unique opportunity to engage directly with one of our top leaders, ask questions, and learn more about OMARA's vision and strategies. Don't miss out on this chance to connect and get your questions answered in a relaxed setting.

10:30 am

Morning Tea

11:00 am

WA State Government Update: Introducing the New WA DAMA 

Chair: Alice Chen, Director - Global Immigration at EY
Speakers: - Adam Walker, A/Director, Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD)
- Kristi Carlile, Manager Migration Services, Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD)

Gain the latest insights on the newly announced WA Designated Migration Area Agreement (DAMA) directly from the WA State Government, together with an update on the WA State Nominated Migration Program (SNMP). This session will cover the introduction of new occupations and concessions under the new DAMA, tailored specifically for Australia’s largest state. Understand how these changes will impact your clients' migration opportunities and workforce planning. This essential update is crucial for migration professionals wanting to know how the new WA DAMA framework aims to address skill shortages and support economic growth across the state. 

12:00 pm

A Tale of Two Targets: Immigration Policy and the Federal Election

Chair: Dr Jan Gothard, Health & Disability Specialist, Estrin Saul Lawyers
Keynote Speaker: Dr Abul Rizvi

In this keynote presentation, Independent Australia columnist and former Deputy Secretary of the Department of Immigration Dr Abul Rizvi, will delve into the complexities of managing Australia's net migration targets amidst a major housing crisis and political debate. With his extensive experience in shaping immigration policy, Dr Rizvi will explore the implications of different net migration targets proposed by both the Albanese Government and the Opposition. Gain a deeper understanding of how these targets impact economic prosperity, social cohesion, and the ageing population, and discover the nuanced approaches needed for a sustainable migration program.

1:00 pm


2:00 pm

Ethical Management of Employer-Sponsored Migration: How RMAs and Lawyers can Ensure Compliance when Dealing with Employers, the Workplace Justice Visa and the new Condition 8607

Chair: Reuben Saul, National President, MIA
Panellists: Cherie Wright, Partner, Vialto and Accredited Specialist in Immigration Law
- Lester Ong, Director, Munro Doig Lawyers 
- Sheila Woods, Managing Director, Interstaff

Join our panel for a critical discussion on the ethical challenges in managing employer-sponsored migration, including managing the new Workplace Justice Visa and advising on the new Condition 8607, which allows Subclass 482 holders up to 180 days to find new employers. With sponsorship monitoring activities from the Australian Border Force (ABF) on the rise, this session will explore best practices for ensuring employers meet their sponsorship obligations and maintain corporate integrity. Learn from experienced professionals about navigating complex ethical dilemmas, safeguarding migrant worker rights, and fostering transparent and accountable practices. This interactive session will provide valuable insights and practical strategies for RMAs and legal practitioners dedicated to upholding the highest standards in employer-sponsored migration.

3:00 pm

Afternoon Tea

3:30 pm

Crime and Punishment. And Citizenship

Join Philip Duncan as he provides an examination of the legislation and case law on the cessation of Australian citizenship. 

4:00 pm

Student Visa Reforms: Have the Changes Gone Too Far or Struck the Right Balance?

Chair: Sarah Frankel, Practice Leader – Skilled Migration, Estrin Saul Lawyers
Panellists: Pankaj Pathak, Managing Director of Phoenix Academy and the Chair of the Western Australian Private Education and Training Industry Association (WAPETIA)

This session delves into the recent reworking of the international student visa and graduate visa programs in 2024, examining the significant changes already implemented and their impacts on the sector and decision-making processes. Our panellists will provide an in-depth analysis of the new policies, their implications for educational institutions, students, and graduates, and the broader effects on Australia's migration framework.

5:00 pm

Closing Remarks
Reuben Saul, National President, MIA


*This program is subject to change.