Become a member of Australia's leading association for migration professionals

Our professional members provide migration advice to a broad range of clients including prospective and settled migrants, employers, workers, students, families and humanitarian entrants.

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Support from our team of in-house experienced RMAs and lawyers.


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MIA Notices

Policy and legislative change as and when they happen.

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Premier event for migration professionals.

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Featured Events
Essentials of Labour Market Testing 29/07/2024 - 29/07/2024 1 CPD Category A or Substantive Law Learn more
Understanding Ministerial Intervention 31/07/2024 - 2/08/2024 3 CPD Category A or Substantive Law Learn more
Temporary Employer Sponsored Visas 482 & 494 2/08/2024 - 2/08/2024 3 CPD Category A or Substantive Law Learn more

The Migration Institute of Australia delivers the most comprehensive membership offering for migration professionals. Providing high quality education, support, networks and opportunities whilst advocating for the migration profession. Join your peers and set yourself up for success with membership

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